super-precise and super-fast. TheT-M Vacuum Super Series vacuum furnace system is the high-vacuum,high-temperature technically advanced vacuum furnace to satisfy all yourheat-treating needs.Within its all- stainless steel chamber is a two cubic footwork zone capable of holding up to 200 pounds of material for tempering,austenitizing, hardening, stress relieving, brazing, sintering, bonding,annealing, and many other custom vacuum processes.With the standard three-zoneheat control package and electro-pneumatically operated Heat Pack door shieldassembly, a precision heating environment is created for perfect temperatureuniformity.The specially designed Hot Zone-to-chamber ratio enables thehigh-speed pumping system to reach high vacuum quicker,maximizing yourproductivity and quality with a cleaner work zone. With its inert gas on boardQuick Cool System, the metallurgical gas quench increases your cycle times byrapidly cooling the chamber and increasing your product output.The Super SeriesHMI software system can be configured with our controlled cooling,allows theuser to precisely control the cooling environment.The Super Series vacuumfurnace system can also be configured to accept multiple process gases. Once youhave determined your specific process parameters,the computerized control systemtakes over to completely automate the process and archive all system data. Anoperator needs only to load and unload the chamber and press the startbutton.The Super Series vacuum furnace system is a completely contained unitwith no exposed wires, cables or pumps.This saves you valuable factory floorspace, and keeps your unit clean and easy to maintain. System installation is assimple as connecting the unit to electric service and attaching gas,water andair lines. The Hot Zone is fully removable for service.If the Super Series workzone is not large enough for your application, please ask about our PACER SeriesVacuum Furnace System.Temperature Capabilities and Controllability 10 series1000°C (1832°F)13 series 1315°C (2400°F)14.5 series 1415°C (2650°F)16.5 series1650°C (3000°F)20 series 2000°C (3632°F)
+/- 1 degree controllability
+/- 2°C temperature uniformity*
SCR Power Supply regulation
3-zone heat
control with independent
PID loop control
Vacuum Pumping System
Standardpump down time*
To 0.1 Torr 7 minutes10-5
Torr Scale 15 minutesHigh-
VacuumValve: T-M 6" Right Angle Poppet Valve6" diffusion pump – net pumpingspeed:2,400 l/s42.2 cfm mechanical roughing & backing pump3.8 cfmmechanical hold pumpAvailable:Upgraded pumping systems – Mechanical,dry, diffusion, cryogenic, and turbo-molecularMolecular Sieve orMechanically refrigerated, optically-dense, cold trap in roughing line or liquidnitrogen cryo-trap in high-vacuum line (for prevention of hydrocarboncontamination)Inert Gas and Quick Cool System10 HP blower – 4,200 cfmfree air displacementGas/water heat exchanger18 vents directing QuickCool gas onto workloadIntegral with furnace chamber, no externally mountedcomponentsAvailable:Multiple-process gas capability
System ControlsThe “E” control system: full PC, PLC, and HMIsoftware control package will provide superior control, system analysis, recipemanagement, and data acquisition. With more than 14 user-friendly screensdisplayed on its 17" LCD flat panel touch screen, this state-of-the-art systemeliminates the need for separate programmers, controllers and messagedisplays.Over-temperature controlDigital vacuum displayCenter ofload thermocouple standardEmergency StopAvailable:Multiple-surveythermocouplesUninterrupted power supplies (UPS)Multiple-channel colorstrip chart recorderOperating Pressure RangeHigh-vacuum to 2-bar (higherpressures available)Working pressure at maximum temperature: high-vacuum to1 torr (higher pressures available)Capable of pressures between atmosphereand 2-bar (for Quick Cool use)6-bar availableHot ZoneConstructionUsable work zone 12" W x 12" H x 24" DUsable work zonevolume of 2 cubic feetWork load capacity 200 lbsRound,horizontally-mounted Hot Zone comprised of six (6) high temp/lowresistancemolybdenum 2" band heater elementsHeat shielding is composed of molybdenumlayers backed by stainless steel layersin stainless steel containment and anelectro-pneumatically operated Heat Pack door shield assemblyComplete HotZone is easily removable as a unit for fast maintenance and less downtimeMolybdenum hearth assembly is 12" W x 24"DAvailable:Graphite andtungsten heating elementsGraphite insulation in stainless steelcontainmentChamberAll-stainless steel construction including head-endclosure and water jacketingDual-wall chamber configuration designed to allowcomplete water-to-surface contactStainless steel dual-wall, water-cooleddoorWater cooling for power feed-thru is external to vacuum chamber,eliminating thepossibility of water leaking into the chamberSix clamp overcenter pneumatic clamp/locking doorWorking pressure: Full vacuum to 2-bar(6-bar available)Safety FeaturesAll T-M Vacuum Products, Inc. products areequipped with standard safety features toensure safe operation.Please consultT-M Vacuum Products, Inc. at (856) 829-2000 for availability and pricing ofthese or any other option requirements.*All times and pressures are for clean,dry, empty, out-gassed furnace, starting from ambient pressure and temperature,and may vary. Times and pressures subject to pump size and maximumtemperature
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